My name is Louisa Vergozisi and I was born in Volos, Greece. Since 2016 I live in The Netherlands, first in Maastricht where I studied, now in the small city of Venlo and occasionally in Athens. 
In my practice as a visual artist, I focus on the silent side of the world that I frequently inweave with existential and social concepts. Through a poetic view, I explore both the spiritual and non-spiritual landscapes, intertwining narratives with emotions such as nostalgia and melancholia. I recognise these two feelings as essential elements of our culture, prompting the question: how do these feelings affect the way we see and experience the world?
Growing up near a remote, small village in the countryside of Greece instilled in me a sensibility toward things that typically escape the center of attention. The isolation I experienced helped me connect deeply with nature and its flow, and the Orthodox religion, which had always been a constant presence in my early life, continues to influence my works and views today by often adding an atmosphere of mysticism.
Moving between The Netherlands and Greece, the two countries of my descent, provides an exchange of information between the southern and the northern cultures. I notice myself trying to find a way to bridge those two lands, something that the creative act gives me the possibility to do.
The media I use are photography (digital, analogue), video and performance in collaboration with other artists. I also work with installations that are mostly site-specific and with objects that I’ve collected through the years.
Next to my artistic practice I also work as a freelance photographer and I am a member of the Venlo-based FLUJAS Collectief.


Limburg Biënnale, 29/06/2024 - 25/08/2024, Odapark, Venray, NL
Venlo Verlicht, 06/09/2024 - 28/02/2025, Venlo, NL
2016 - 2020    Bachelor Fine Arts / ZUYD, Institute of Arts, Maastricht, NL
                       (with the support of Sofoklis Achillopoulos Foundation, Athens, GR)
2021              Developing Curatorial Concepts: Research & Creative Ideation 
                      - Node Centre for Curatorial Studies Berlin

Solo Exhibitions
2021     Φύλακες της Πίστης (Faithkeepers) - pop-up exhibition / Miliés, Pelion, GR

Group Exhibitions
2024  AMUSE 2024, Galerie Wilms, Venlo, NL
2023  "Wolken zweven boven de kruinen van het bos en dit is mijn thuis"  Group exhibition at Artland, Landgraaf, NL
2022   SWAP #5 / B32 artspace, Maastricht, NL
2021    Εκδοχές του Υποκειμένου (Versions of the Subjective) part of "The Talks"
            by writer and psychiatrist Chloe Kolyri  / Vyzitsa, Pelion, GR
2021    ALL INN - National Graduation Show / Het Hem, Zaandam, NL
2020    sub.archives X graduates / De Meldkamer, Maastricht, NL
2019    Museumnacht "Lost In Space" / Natuurhistorisch Museum, Maastricht, NL
2019    RADIO LIMA  Circumstantial Radio #3 / Greylight Projects, Heerlen, NL
2018    Sound Workshop + group exhibition / FLACC, Genk, BE

Photography Exhibitions
2023    Chalk & Charcoal: dream / Photography Exhibition /  Café HOP!, Venlo, NL
2023    Chalk & Charcoal: memoria / Photography Exhibition /  Café Zondag, Maastricht, NL
2022    When I dream, I see blue / Π=3,14 art-space, Athens, GR
2024     Residence Westenwind Kracht 12 - Horst Futures, Horst, NL
2024     DE ARCADE, FLUJAS Collectief, 2-7/4/2024, Ulingsheide 3, Tegelen, NL
2022     Stichting Destination Unknown / Heilig Hartkerk, Venlo, NL (

Prizes and nominations
2023   Nomination Van Bommel Van Dam Prize 

Film Festivals
2021     Film Festival of Imagination - Overgangszone​​​​​​​ / ENCI-Groeve, Maastricht, NL (
2020     The One Minutes -"New Normalism" / 17th Reykjavík International Film Festival, ISL
              & Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam, NL
2020     The Circle Works - Short Film Festival  / Aachen, DE​​​​​​​

Part of
2024     FRICTIONS Festival, SCHUNCK Heerlen, NL
2024     ODD Kunstroute Venlo, 09/05/2024, Goltziusstraat 21, 5911 AS Venlo, NL
2023     Atelier In De Stad - Greylight Projects / Heerlen, NL (projection of the short film "NOSTOS")
2021     Video Power Nacht on L1 (Dutch television) - By Video Power  / Maastricht, NL (viewing of the short film "Light of Go(l)d")
2021     "Onkruid" - Poetry book by Lars Den Hertog  / Maastricht, NL
2021      Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender - Dutch art calendar (

2021     "Το εξωκκλήσι του Αγίου Νικολάου στις Μηλιές Πηλίου και οι τοιχογραφίες του" 
              ("The chapel of Sint Nicolas in Milies, Pelion and its murals") 
               with the support of Panayotis Zontanos - printed by Garyfallogianis Graphics Volos, GR​​​​​​​
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